The current thinking revolves around cablevision introducing a quarterly dividend and spinning off some businesses& the most logical candidates being its rainbow programming unit and Madison Square Garden. 目前,围绕cablevision的想法包括推出季度派息、剥离部分业务等,最合逻辑的剥离对象是“彩虹”节目子公司和麦迪逊花园广场。
A growing number of tech companies have responded to swelling financial reserves by starting or increasing dividend payments, although not fast enough to stem the increase in cash holdings or head off unhappy investors. 为了应对现金储备日益增加的问题,越来越多的科技公司开始或加大派息,尽管速度还不足以阻止现金储备增长或者让投资者感到满意。
Asia enjoyed such a "demographic dividend", which began three decades ago and is now tailing off. 亚洲享受了始于三十年前“人口红利”,现已至尾声。
Even though the outlook is uncertain, the corporate sector will be reluctant to draw back from progressive dividend policies: if times get hard, other taps will be turned off first. 尽管前景不确定,但企业界将不愿意退出股息日增的政策:如果年景变差,将会先砍掉一些其他支出。
The arrival of Lewis Turning Point and drawing close of aged society mean the traditional population dividend of China is wearing off. 刘易斯拐点的到来和老龄社会的逼近意味着中国传统的人口红利开始消退。